What is Filebase?

Filebase is the leading InterPlanetary development platform, providing users with quick access to IPFS storage, dedicated IPFS gateways, and IPNS names.

Getting Started

To get started with Filebase, sign-up for a free 5GB account, then check out our Getting Started Guides:

Developer Quick Start GuideIPFS Getting Started GuideS3 API Getting Started GuideWeb Console Getting Started Guide

Have a question? The answer can likely be found in our FAQ section:


Decentralized Cloud Storage

Decentralized storage offers a different way of thinking about how to store and access your information. Data is distributed across geographically distributed nodes and connected through a peer-to-peer network. This is very different than a traditional cloud model which silos data into regions that are prone to outages.

Geo-Redundancy is the practice of placing the physical nodes that are part of decentralized networks in a diverse variety of geographic locations. This allows the peer-to-peer networks that connect these nodes to be resilient to catastrophic events such as natural disasters, fires, or infrastructure compromise, ensuring that not all nodes on the network will be destroyed. Data stored on these nodes are stored in shards through erasure coding. When servers on these networks go offline, missing shards are automatically repaired and uploaded to new nodes, without any interruption to you.

When the data redundancy is 100%, Filebase is able to achieve 3x redundancy for every object.

For a deep dive into Geo-Redundancy, see our documentation here.

Filebase manages all aspects of the data storage layer on your behalf and eliminates the complexities associated with storing data on IPFS. Some of these challenges include file sharding, DHT announcements, retention issues, and retrieval delays.

Please review our pricing model in more detail here.

Questions about billing? Check out our billing FAQ:

Billing FAQ

Files uploaded to an IPFS on Filebase are automatically pinned to IPFS and stored with 3x replication across the Filebase infrastructure by default, at no extra cost to you. This means your data is accessible and reliable in the event of a disaster or outage, and won't be affected by the IPFS garbage collection process.

Learn more about IPFS here:


Filebase offers a public IPFS gateway or private dedicated gateways as a paid feature. All content stored on IPFS through Filebase can be accessed through a Filebase gateway with faster response times than accessing the content through any other gateway. This is because the Filebase gateways peer with our IPFS nodes. The Filebase public gateway also peers with the IPFS gateways of other pinning services.

IPFS Gateways

Learn more about Filebase's IPFS service in our IPFS Whitepaper:

Since Filebase is S3-compatible, it works out of the box with S3 API-compatible tools, SDKs, and frameworks. Check out the following sections to see documentation on a variety of different types of configurations and use-cases:

Backup Client ConfigurationsCLI ToolsCode DevelopmentContent Delivery NetworksFile Management Client ConfigurationsNAS Device Configurations

If you have any tools you'd like to use with Filebase but do not see any documentation on, please send us an email at hello@filebase.com.

Learn how to use a wide variety of Web3 ecosystems, tools, and workflows by following some of our Web3 tutorials.

Web3 Tutorials

Learn about various Web3 concepts through our Deep Dive documentation.

Deep Dives

View our long-form technical documentation content in the form of One-Pagers or Whitepapers below.

Filebase eBooksFilebase One-PagersFilebase Whitepapers

If you have any questions, please join our Discord server, or send us an email at hello@filebase.com

Last updated