IPFS Dedicated Gateways: Whitelisting Content

Learn about how to whitelist content using Filebase's IPFS Dedicated Gateways.

Whitelisting Content Through Scoped IPFS Gateways

Filebase’s IPFS Dedicated Gateways offering allows for gateways to be scoped, or limited, to serving only content stored in a specific IPFS bucket. By scoping an IPFS gateway to only retrieve CIDs from a single bucket, the gateway can be used to serve whitelisted content. Benefits of whitelisting content through a scoped IPFS gateway include:

  • The ability to control what content gets served through the gateway.

  • Affirmation that your dedicated gateway’s bandwidth isn’t used for serving content you haven’t uploaded or pinned.

  • A unique, branded IPFS URL for your project’s content.

  • The ability for different gateways to serve different content based on bucket association.

All CIDs on IPFS are public, regardless if they are stored in a bucket that is associated with a scoped IPFS gateway. CIDs will still be able to be accessed through public IPFS gateways, such as the Filebase public gateway ipfs.filebase.io.

1. Navigate to the Gateways page on the Filebase web console.

2. Select the ‘Create Gateway’ button in the upper right corner.

3. A new window will open prompting you to provide a gateway name and select the gateway’s access level.

Gateway names are subject to the same naming restrictions as bucket names. All gateway names must be lowercase, between 3-63 characters, and must be unique.

4. To create a scoped gateway, select ‘Private’.

5. Then, select a bucket name from the drop-down menu for the scoped gateway to serve.

Scoped gateways only serve content located in the bucket that they are restricted to.

If a gateway is configured to serve a root CID, it cannot also be configured to be restricted to a bucket. The root CID configuration must be cleared to configure a bucket restriction.

6. Alternatively, if you want to set a bucket restriction for a gateway that was previously created, you can set the restriction by navigating to the Buckets menu and selecting the three menu dots for the bucket you’d like to restrict your gateway to.

Then select ‘Set Restriction’.

7. When prompted, select the gateway you want configured to use the selected bucket.

8. Now, this gateway will only serve CIDs that are stored in its associated buckets.

For example, the URL:https://documentation.myfilebase.com/ipfs/Qmecp7G61NuqwkxMv3mrjaLMCPdf4igYA6EtqK9GFRJJWz

Returns the following webpage:

Accessing a CID that isn’t stored in the gateway’s associated bucket will return the following webpage:

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Last updated