Webpack S3 Plugin

Learn how to configure Webpack S3 Plugin for use with Filebase.

What is Webpack S3 Plugin?

Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundling package. It’s primarily for JavaScript, but it can be used with HTML, CSS, and image files for front-end development. A variety of webpack plugins have been developed and released for use, including an S3-compatible plugin.

Read below to learn how to use the Webpack S3 Plugin with Filebase.


This guide shows a sample configuration and how to connect a Webpack configuration to Filebase. Filebase is unable to provide debugging for custom configurations due to their individualized nature.

1. Download the Webpack S3 Plugin:

npm i webpack-s3-plugin

2. Based on your Webpack configuration, input the following code in the desired configuration or index file.

This example excludes all .html files from upload:

var S3Plugin = require('webpack-s3-plugin')

var config = {
		plugins: [
			new S3Plugin({
			directory: '/path/to/directory/to/upload',
			// Exclude uploading of html
			exclude: /.*\\.html$/,
			// s3Options are required
			s3Options: {
			accessKeyId: 'filebase-access-key',
			secretAccessKey: 'filebase-secret-key',
			region: 'us-east-1',
			endpoint: 's3.filebase.com',
			signatureVersion: ‘v4’
		s3UploadOptions: {
			Bucket: 'filebase-bucket-name'

Replace the following values to match your configuration:

  • Directory: Directory where files to be uploaded are stored.

  • Exclude: Determine the file type you want to exclude from upload. All other file types will be included.

  • AccessKeyId: Filebase Access Key

  • SecretAccessKey: Filebase Secret Key

  • Bucket: Filebase Bucket Name

3. This example includes all .css and .js files in the upload:

var S3Plugin = require('webpack-s3-plugin')

var config = {
		plugins: [
			new S3Plugin({
			directory: '/path/to/directory/to/upload',
			// Only upload css and js
			include: /.*\\.(css|js)/,
			// s3Options are required
			s3Options: {
			accessKeyId: 'filebase-access-key',
			secretAccessKey: 'filebase-secret-key',
			region: 'us-east-1',
			endpoint: 's3.filebase.com',
			signatureVersion: ‘v4’
		s3UploadOptions: {
			Bucket: 'filebase-bucket-name'

Replace the following values to match your configuration:

  • Directory: Directory where files to be uploaded are stored.

  • Include: Determine the file type you want to include in upload. All other file types will be included.

  • AccessKeyId: Filebase Access Key

  • SecretAccessKey: Filebase Secret Key

  • Bucket: Filebase Bucket Name

4. Run your Webpack project:

npx webpack

Last updated