Data Management

Managing your data with Filebase is made simple via our browser interface, S3-compatible API, or the IPFS Pinning Service API.

There are three primary methods of interacting with your data on Filebase:

To learn how to get started using either of these methods, check out our Getting Started Guides:

IPFS Getting Started GuideS3 API Getting Started GuideWeb Console Getting Started Guide

‌The Filebase browser interface can be used to create, manage and delete buckets. It can also be used to upload, download, manage and delete objects stored in those buckets. It can also be used to view and edit metadata about stored objects.

Through the browser interface, you can also edit account settings and view billing history and billing information for your Filebase account.

The storage backend that you interact with through the browser interface is the same backend that is accessible through the S3-compatible API. Any changes made using the API will be reflected within the browser interface upon refreshing the webpage.

Filebase has certified a wide array of S3-compatible API software and tools for use with Filebase. Filebase certification consists of putting software tools through testing procedures to validate conformity with the Filebase S3-compatible API.

If you don't see your tool of choice listed - don't worry. That simply means we haven't had an opportunity to test it and certify it yet.

The IPFS Pinning Service API is a standardized API that can be used to re-pin existing IPFS CIDs. It is often referred to as "remote" pinning or the IPFS "PSA".

The IPFS development team evaluates the compliance of each provider that supports the IPFS PSA to validate each implementation. Filebase is fully compliant with the IPFS PSA standard. The official compliance report can be seen here.

Filebase supports the IPFS Pinning Service API through our IPFS Re-Pinning service. This API can be used to view pinned objects, add a new object to be pinned, or remove a pinned object.

If you have any questions, please join our Discord server, or send us an email at

Last updated