
Learn how to use Joplin with Filebase.

What is Joplin?

Joplin is an open source task scheduling and note taking application. Notes and data created in Joplin can be synchronized across multiple devices by connecting the app to a Filebase bucket for storage.

Read below to learn how to configure Joplin for use with Filebase.


1. Open Joplin. In the top menu bar, select Tools, then Options.

2. Select ‘Synchronization’ on the left sidebar menu.

3. Use the following settings to configure Joplin for synchronization with Filebase.

  • Synchronization Target: S3

  • AWS S3 Bucket: Filebase Bucket Name

  • AWS Region: us-east-1

  • AWS Access Key: Filebase Access Key

  • AWS Secret Key: Filebase Secret Key

4. Click ‘Apply’ to apply these settings.

Then click ‘Check synchronization configuration’ to confirm the configuration is correct.

5. Close the settings window.

On the Joplin dashboard, select ‘Synchronize’ to run the initial data synchronization.

6. Confirm that the Joplin files have been synchronized to your Filebase bucket.

They will be saved as Markdown files.

Last updated