
Learn how to use LucidLink with Filebase.

LucidLink Filespaces are a cloud NAS solution that enables you to utilize cloud object storage as a local directory on your computer. Filespaces allow you to store and access data like a locally connected NAS hardware device, but they utilize cloud storage providers like Filebase.

Read below to learn how to configure LucidLink for use with Filebase.


2. Select ‘Create a new Filespace.’

3. Select ‘Custom Filespace’ then ‘Next’.

4. Give your Filespace a name.

5. Choose ‘Other Cloud’ for the Filespace cloud provider.

6. Enter the following configuration details:

7. Review and confirm your Filespace settings. Select ‘Create’.

8. Once your Filespace has been created, it will appear in your dashboard.

Select ‘Initialize’ to start using your Filespace.

10. Launch the desktop client.

You will be prompted for an Access key and a Secret key. This refers to your Filebase Access and Secret keys.

11. Then you will be prompted to create a root password.

This password is specific to your LucidLink Filespace.

This folder refers to a new bucket in your Filebase account that LucidLink has created, so it is expected to be empty when you first open it. You can see the bucket in your Filebase web dashboard, which will be named after your LucidLink Filespace name and domain.

Last updated