
Learn how to configure JetBackup for use with Filebase.

What is JetBackup?

JetBackup is a backup solution for web-hosted services and applications. JetBackup is meant for installation and configuration with cPanel, DirectAdmin, or Linux servers. JetBackup allows you to create unlimited backups, create custom schedules and backup job filters, and is compatible with a wide range of destination endpoints, including Filebase.

Read below to learn how to use JetBackup with Filebase.


This guide was tested and configured using Centos 7. Commands and workflow may vary based on operating system.

1. Open the JetBackup Management Console. Login with your admin account credentials.

2. Once in the Admin Management Console, select the Manilla folder icon on the left side bar menu to open the Destinations menu.

3. From the Destinations menu, select 'Create New Destination'.

4. In the configuration options, select the Destination For as 'Backup' and the Destination Type as 'S3 Compatible via JetApps Repository - Experimental'.

Configure the Read Only and Owner options as desired for your configuration. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

5. At the bottom of the page, find the section for 'S3 Compatible Destination' and select 'Install Now'.

6. You will be prompted to confirm the installation. Accept this confirmation.

7. Once the S3 Compatible Destination repository is installed, there will be a variety of new options under the Destinations > New Destination > S3 Compatible via JetApps Repository - Experimental screen.

Configure these options to resemble the following:

  • Destination Name: Filebase

  • Read Only: No

  • Owner: Desired Owner Account

  • Vendor: Custom Vendor

  • Backup Directory: The directory inside your bucket you’d like to use. / is the default and leads to the backup being stored in the root level of your bucket.

  • Endpoint:

  • Access Key: Filebase Access Key

  • Secret Key: Filebase Secret Key

  • Bucket: Filebase Bucket Name

  • Verify SSL: Yes

  • HTTP Retries: The default value of 3 is appropriate.

Once configured, select ‘Save’ to save these configuration settings.

8. Then, in the 'Destinations' menu, your Filebase destination will be listed.

9. Click on this destination for a list of options, including re-indexing the destination or viewing the destination files.

To test the configuration further, click the option to 'Browse Dest. Files'.

10. All the objects stored in your configured Filebase bucket and configured subdirectory will be listed.

If you chose an empty subdirectory, there will not be anything listed here.

11. To use this Filebase destination in a backup job, select 'Backup Jobs' from the left side bar menu, then select 'Create New Backup Job':

12. Provide your backup job a name, then under 'Destination' select 'Add Destination':

13. Select your Filebase destination, confirm by selecting 'Select Destinations'.

14. Your Filebase configuration will be listed as the backup job’s destination.

15. Configure the backup job settings to reflect your desired configuration. Once finished, select 'Save':

16. Your job will now be listed in the Backup Jobs menu.

Click on the job to bring up options for that job, including an option to run the job. Select “Run Backup Job Now” to run your job.

17. You can view your backup files in your Filebase bucket from the Filebase web console dashboard.

Last updated