Learn how to configure and use PowerShell with Filebase.
What is PowerShell?
PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program created by Microsoft that consists of a command-line shell interface and a built-in scripting language. PowerShell is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
Read below to learn how to use PowerShell with Filebase.
1. Open your PowerShell command line. First, we need to install the Amazon S3 module for use with Filebase. Install this module with the command:
Install-Module -Name AWS.Tools.S3 -Scope CurrentUser -Force
2. Next, we need to configure our Filebase credentials. To do this, use the following command:
Set-AWSCredential -StoreAs Filebase -AccessKey ACCESS_KEY -SecretKey SECRET_KEY
Replace the ACCESS_KEY with your Filebase Access Key, and the SECRET_KEY with your Filebase Secret Key.
Upload Objects
To upload an object to Filebase, use the following command:
Write-S3Object -File OBJECT_NAME -BucketName FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME -EndpointUrl https://s3.filebase.com -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName filebase
Replace OBJECT_NAME with the name of the file to be uploaded, and FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME with your Filebase bucket name.
List Objects
To get a list of all objects in a Filebase bucket, use the following command:
Get-S3Object -BucketName FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME -EndpointUrl https://s3.filebase.com -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName filebase
This also lists the metadata for each object stored in the specified bucket.
Replace FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME with your Filebase bucket name.
Download Objects
To download an object from a bucket, use the following command:
Get-S3Object -Key OBJECT_NAME -BucketName FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME -EndpointUrl https://s3.filebase.com -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName filebase
Replace OBJECT_NAME with the name of the file to be downloaded, and FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME with your Filebase bucket name.
Deleting Objects
To delete an object from a bucket, use the following command:
Remove-S3Object -Key OBJECT_NAME -BucketName FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME -EndpointUrl https://s3.filebase.com -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName filebase
Replace OBJECT_NAME with the name of the file to be deleted, and FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME with your Filebase bucket name.
Creating Buckets
To create a new bucket, use the following command:
New-S3Bucket -BucketName NEW_FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME -EndpointUrl https://s3.filebase.com -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName filebase
Replace NEW_FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME with your new Filebase bucket name.
Deleting Buckets
To delete a bucket, the bucket must first be empty. After the bucket has been emptied, it can be removed with the following command:
Remove-S3Bucket -BucketName FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME -EndpointUrl https://s3.filebase.com -Region us-east-1 -ProfileName filebase
Replace FILEBASE_BUCKET_NAME with your Filebase bucket name to be deleted.
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