Studio 721: Create an NFT Collection with Studio 721 and IPFS

Learn how to create an NFT collection with Studio 721 and IPFS.

What is Studio 721?

Studio 721 is a suite of free, web-based tools that can be used for creating NFT collections.

Read below to learn how to create an NFT collection with Studio 721 and IPFS.


1. Navigate to the Studio 721 dashboard. Select ‘Create an NFT Collection’.

2. Select ‘New Collection’.

3. A default collection will be shown. Select ‘Open’ to open the details for any of the example NFTs.

4. Next, we need to create an IPFS bucket on Filebase.

To do this, navigate to If you don’t have an account already, sign up, then log in.

5. Select ‘Buckets’ from the left sidebar menu, or navigate to

6. Select ‘Create Bucket’ in the top right corner to create a new bucket for your NFTs.

7. Enter a bucket name and choose the IPFS storage network to create the bucket.

Bucket names must be unique across all Filebase users, be between 3 and 63 characters long, and can contain only lowercase characters, numbers, and dashes.

8. Now, upload your NFTs to Filebase using the web console and selecting ‘Folder’, then select the folder that contains your NFT files.

These files need to be named in sequential order, such as 0.png, 1.png, 2.png, etc.

9. You will see your folder uploaded as a single object:

10. Copy the CID of your folder:

11. Navigate to your IPFS Folder using the Filebase IPFS gateway to see your folder’s files:

Take note of this URL.

12. Replace the ‘Image URL’ with the URL you copied above, adding the file name for your first NFT file, such as:

13. The NFT image will update automatically.

14. Repeat this process for the other NFTs generated as part of the collection.

15. Once done, select the menu bar, then ‘File > Save’.

This will download your NFT collection as a folder with metadata files that can be used to mint your collection through a smart contract.

Last updated