Bacula Enterprise Edition

Learn how to configure Bacula Enterprise Edition for use with Filebase.

What is Bacula Enterprise Edition?

Bacula Enterprise Edition is an enterprise data backup solution designed to handle high volumes of data.

Bacula Enterprise Edition is certified for use with Filebase. Read below to learn more on how to use Bacula Enterprise Edition to backup data to Filebase.


1. Navigate to the Bacula Enterprise Edition web console with the IP address from the Bacula Enterprise Edition virtual machine.

2. Select ‘Manage Bacula Enterprise Trial with ‘bWeb Management Suite’ from the options presented.

3. Select ‘Configuration’ from the top navigation menu.

4. Then select ‘Configure Bacula’.

5. Select ‘Add a New Storage Resource’ from the left menu bar.

6. From the options, choose ‘Select a Storage Daemon and add newly created Devices into it’.

Choose the storage daemon running on your virtual machine, then choose ‘Cloud Virtual Disk Changer’ for the device type.

7. For ‘Copy from existing Storage’, select ‘S3AutoChanger’. Bacula will auto populate the rest of the fields. Select ‘Next’.

8. Configure Filebase as a Cloud resource with the following information:

Driver: S3


Access Key: Your Filebase Access Key

Secret Key: Your Filebase Secret Key

Region: US East (N. Virginia)

Bucket Name: Your Filebase Bucket Name

8. Give your storage resource a name and description. Then select ‘Save’.

9. Select ‘Commit’ at the bottom left to save these changes.

10. Choose to restart or reload the director service if prompted.

11. You can now configure Bacula jobs to point to the configured Filebase bucket.

Last updated