Backing Up DigitalOcean Spaces to Filebase using Rclone

Learn how to backup DigitalOcean Spaces to Filebase using Rclone.

What are DigitalOcean Spaces?

DigitalOcean Spaces are an S3-compatible object storage service that is part of the DigitalOcean cloud infrastructure. Each DigitalOcean Space is equivalent to a Filebase bucket. Unlike Filebase buckets, however, DigitalOcean Spaces are not geo-redundant and do not provide the level of redundancy and replication that Filebase buckets do by default. Since DigitalOcean Spaces are S3-compatible like Filebase, it’s easy to transfer data stored in a DigitalOcean Space into a Filebase bucket powered by decentralized storage.

Read below to learn how to backup or replicate DigitalOcean Spaces to Filebase.


All data stored on IPFS is publically accessible through IPFS gateways. You should consider this factor when uploading potentially sensitive DigitalOcean Spaces data to a Filebase IPFS bucket.

1. Login to your DigitalOcean dashboard.

Select ‘Spaces’ from the left side bar menu. Find your existing DigitalOcean Space that you’d like to replicate to Filebase.

Take note of your DigitalOcean Space’s URL, specifically the portion after the space name:

2. Select ‘API’ from the left side bar menu.

Scroll down to 'Space Access Keys’ and select ‘Generate New Key’:

Give your key pair a name, then take note of your Access Key and your Secret Access Key.

3. Next, we need to create a Filebase bucket.

To do this, navigate to If you don’t have an account already, sign up, then log in.

4. Select ‘Buckets’ from the left side bar menu, or navigate to.

Select ‘Create Bucket’ in the top right corner to create a new bucket.

5. Enter a bucket name and choose the IPFS storage network to create the bucket.

In this guide, we’re calling the bucket filebase-IPFS.

Bucket names must be unique across all Filebase users, be between 3 and 63 characters long, and can contain only lowercase characters, numbers, and dashes.

7. Edit your rclone.conf file to reflect the following content:

type = s3
provider = Other
env_auth = false
access_key_id = FILEBASE_ACCESS_KEY
secret_access_key = FILEBASE_SECRET_KEY
region = us-east-1
endpoint =

type = s3
env_auth = false
access_key_id = SPACES_ACCESS_KEY
secret_access_key = SPACES_SECRET_KEY
acl = private

Replace the following values:

  • FILEBASE_ACCESS_KEY: Filebase Access Key

  • FILEBASE_SECRET_KEY: Filebase Secret Key

  • SPACES_ACCESS_KEY: DigitalOcean Space Access Key

  • SPACES_SECRET_KEY: DigitalOcean Space Secret Key

  • DIGITALOCEAN_REGION_ENDPOINT: The region endpoint for your DigitalOcean space. This endpoint is the portion of your DigitalOcean space’s URL after the space’s name:

8. Test your Filebase configuration with the following command:

rclone lsd filebase:

9. Test your DigitalOcean Spaces configuration with the following command:

rclone lsd digitalocean:

10. Sync all data from your DigitalOcean Space to your Filebase bucket:

rclone sync spaces:space-name s3:filebase-bucket

Replace space-name with your DigitalOcean Space name, and replace filebase-bucket with your Filebase bucket name.

The rClone output won’t return much feedback, but you can check the success of your sync by viewing your Filebase bucket and confirming that the files that are stored in your DigitalOcean space are not replicated in your Filebase bucket.

Last updated