
Learn how to configure Nodeum for use with Filebase.

What is Nodeum?

Nodeum is a data management platform designed to be deployed on a Linux operating system. Nodeum is certified for use with Filebase. Read below for instructions on how to configure Nodeum for use with Filebase.


1. After installing Nodeum, navigate to the IP address of your installation server via a web browser. Log into the Nodeum admin console.

2. You will see the Nodeum admin dashboard.

3. From the dashboard, select Settings > Hardware > Storages.

4. Select Cloud from the storage type tabs, then select the green plus button to add a new cloud configuration.

5. Configure Cloud Storage with Filebase using the following settings:

Name: Filebase

Provider: Generic S3

Region: us-east-1


Access Key ID: Your Filebase Access Key

Secret Access Key: Your Filebase Secret Key

6. Test the connection by selecting ‘Test Connection’.

You should see a message saying “connection succeeded” followed by the number of buckets within your Filebase account.

7. Select ‘Save’. You should now see Filebase listed under the Cloud - Configuration page under Settings > Hardware > Storage > Cloud.

8. Next, go to Storage Services > Cloud.

You should see your Filebase buckets listed, though their status will be ‘Off’. This means that the buckets are not mounted.

9. To mount a bucket, go to Storage Services > Pool.

10. Select Cloud from the list of tabs, then select the green plus sign to add a Cloud Pool configuration.

11. Configure Filebase as your Primary Storage with the following settings:

Name: Filebase

Type: Primary Storage

Connector: Filebase

Buckets: The bucket(s) you want to mount.

Inventory: On if you would like the buckets to be inventoried on a schedule. If so, select the schedule you want them to be inventoried on.

12. Select Save. You should now see Filebase listed as a Primary Storage with the status On.

13. If you navigate back to Cloud Services > Cloud, you will now see the bucket(s) you selected are listed as ‘On’.

You can now use Filebase as your Primary Storage within Nodeum.

Last updated