CloudBerry Backup

Learn how to use CloudBerry Backup to backup files to Filebase.

What is CloudBerry Backup?

CloudBerry Backup is a backup client for Windows, Linux, and macOS X, for small business or home backup configuration.

Read below to learn how to use CloudBerry Backup to backup files to Filebase.


1. Open the CloudBerry Backup client and select “Add Storage Account” from the menu drop down.

2. Select 'S3 Compatible' when prompted to select your type of storage provider.

3. Fill out the CloudBerry configuration with your Filebase Access & Secret key, and the Filebase Endpoint (

4. Click on “Advanced Settings” and change the “Signature version” to “4”.

Ensure that 'Use SSL' and 'Use native multipart upload' boxes are selected.

5. Under Bucket Name, select your Filebase bucket that you want to backup to.

Note: You will not be able to select a bucket until you have changed your “Signature Version”.

6. Click “OK” to create your new storage account, and then “Close” out of the account manager.

7. Configure a backup plan by selecting “Create a new Backup plan”.

8. When prompted to select your backup storage select the “Filebase” configuration.

9. Name your backup plan and click next.

10. Select any additional options.

Enabling fast NTFS scan is recommended for use on a large amount of files. This option allows faster file navigation and therefore a faster backup procedure as a result.

11. Select what files and folders you would like to back up.

12. Configure any filters or exclusions.

13. Configure the desired encryption for the backup.

14. Choose whether or not to enable Full Consistency Check.

Enabling a full consistency check guarantees that data included in this backup can be restored and is free of data corruption.

15. Define your backup schedule and click “Next”.

16. Define your retention policy and click “Next”.

17. Define your “Pre/Post Actions” and click “Next”.

18. Define “Notifications and Logging” settings and hit “Next”.

19. Review your backup plan. If everything looks correct click “Next”.

20. Congratulations you have now successfully created your first backup plan. Select “Run backup now” and click “Finish” to start your first backup.

Last updated