Subsquid is a comprehensive blockchain indexing solution that features an open-source SDK, dedicated data lakes (Archives) for on-chain data, and a hosted service (Aquarium). The indexing stack separates data ingestion from transformation and presentation, where Archives handle on-chain data ingestion and Squids handle the data processing and presentation. Squids, built using the open-source Squid SDK, are Extract-Transform-Load-Query projects that gather historical on-chain data, process it with a user-defined processor, and present it in real-time.
Read below to learn how to use Subsquid to query NFT data using a Filebase IPFS dedicated gateway.
This repo was made by a member of the Subsquid team as an example showcasing how to index NFT data for the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection by fetching the metadata from IPFS. We’ll edit it slightly to use a Filebase dedicated IPFS gateway.
2. After downloading the repo, open the src/processor.ts
file in your preferred text editor of choice. Edit line 21 to reflect the following:
Copy import { Store , TypeormDatabase } from "@subsquid/typeorm-store" ;
import {BlockHandlerContext , EvmBatchProcessor , LogHandlerContext} from '@subsquid/evm-processor'
import { events , Contract as ContractAPI , functions } from "./abi/bayc" ;
import { Contract , Owner , Token , Transfer } from "./model" ;
import { In } from "typeorm" ;
import { BigNumber } from "ethers" ;
import { maxBy } from "lodash" ;
import { Multicall } from "./abi/multicall" ;
import Axios from "axios" ;
import https from 'https' ;
const contractAddress =
// "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85".toLowerCase();
"0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D" .toLowerCase ();
const multicallAddress = "0x5ba1e12693dc8f9c48aad8770482f4739beed696" .toLowerCase ();
const tokenIdToImageUrl = new Map < string , string > ();
export const api = Axios .create ({
baseURL : "" ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
} ,
withCredentials : false ,
timeout : 5000 ,
httpsAgent : new https .Agent ({ keepAlive : true }) ,
const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor ()
.setDataSource ({
chain : process . env . RPC_ENDPOINT ,
archive : "" ,
.addLog (contractAddress , {
filter : [
events . Transfer .topic ,
] ,
] ,
data : {
evmLog : {
topics : true ,
data : true ,
} ,
transaction : {
hash : true ,
} ,
} ,
processor .run ( new TypeormDatabase () , async (ctx) => {
const baycDataArr : BAYCData [] = [];
for ( let c of ctx .blocks) {
for ( let i of c .items) {
if ( i .address === contractAddress && i .kind === "evmLog" ) {
if ( i . evmLog .topics[ 0 ] === events . Transfer .topic) {
const baycData = handleTransfer ({
... ctx ,
block : c .header ,
... i ,
baycDataArr .push (baycData);
await saveBAYCData (
... ctx ,
block : ctx .blocks[ ctx . blocks . length - 1 ].header ,
} ,
let contractEntity : Contract | undefined ;
export async function getOrCreateContractEntity (
ctx : BlockHandlerContext < Store >
) : Promise < Contract > {
if (contractEntity == null ) {
contractEntity = await ctx . store .get (Contract , contractAddress);
if (contractEntity == null ) {
const contractAPI = new ContractAPI (ctx , contractAddress);
let name = "" , symbol = "" , totalSupply = BigNumber .from ( 0 );
try {
name = await contractAPI .name ();
symbol = await contractAPI .symbol ();
totalSupply = await contractAPI .totalSupply ();
} catch (error) {
ctx . log .warn ( `[API] Error while fetching Contract metadata for address ${ contractAddress } ` );
if (error instanceof Error ) {
ctx . log .warn ( ` ${ error .message } ` );
contractEntity = new Contract ({
id : contractAddress ,
name : name ,
symbol : symbol ,
totalSupply : totalSupply .toBigInt () ,
await ctx . store .insert (contractEntity);
return contractEntity;
type BAYCData = {
id : string ;
from : string ;
to : string ;
tokenId : bigint ;
timestamp : Date ;
block : number ;
transactionHash : string ;
function handleTransfer (
ctx : LogHandlerContext <
Store ,
{ evmLog : { topics : true ; data : true }; transaction : { hash : true } }
) : BAYCData {
const { evmLog , block , transaction } = ctx;
const { from , to , tokenId } = events . Transfer .decode (evmLog);
const baycData : BAYCData = {
id : ` ${ transaction .hash } - ${ evmLog .address } - ${ tokenId .toBigInt () } - ${
evmLog .index
} ` ,
from ,
to ,
tokenId : tokenId .toBigInt () ,
timestamp : new Date ( block .timestamp) ,
block : block .height ,
transactionHash : transaction .hash ,
return baycData;
async function saveBAYCData (
ctx : BlockHandlerContext < Store > ,
baycDataArr : BAYCData []
) {
const tokensIds : Set < string > = new Set ();
const ownersIds : Set < string > = new Set ();
for ( const baycData of baycDataArr) {
tokensIds .add ( baycData . tokenId .toString ());
if ( baycData .from) ownersIds .add ( baycData . from .toLowerCase ());
if ( baycData .to) ownersIds .add ( baycData . to .toLowerCase ());
const transfers : Set < Transfer > = new Set ();
const tokens : Map < string , Token > = new Map (
( await ctx . store .findBy (Token , { id : In ([ ... tokensIds]) })) .map ((token) => [
token .id ,
token ,
const owners : Map < string , Owner > = new Map (
( await ctx . store .findBy (Owner , { id : In ([ ... ownersIds]) })) .map ((owner) => [
owner .id ,
owner ,
for ( const baycData of baycDataArr) {
const {
id ,
tokenId ,
from ,
to ,
block ,
transactionHash ,
timestamp ,
} = baycData;
let fromOwner = owners .get (from);
if (fromOwner == null ) {
fromOwner = new Owner ({ id : from .toLowerCase () });
owners .set ( fromOwner .id , fromOwner);
let toOwner = owners .get (to);
if (toOwner == null ) {
toOwner = new Owner ({ id : to .toLowerCase () });
owners .set ( toOwner .id , toOwner);
const tokenIdString = tokenId .toString ();
let token = tokens .get (tokenIdString);
if (token == null ) {
token = new Token ({
id : tokenIdString ,
uri : "" , // will be filled-in by Multicall
contract : await getOrCreateContractEntity (ctx) ,
tokens .set ( token .id , token);
token .owner = toOwner;
if (toOwner && fromOwner) {
const transfer = new Transfer ({
id ,
block ,
timestamp ,
transactionHash ,
from : fromOwner ,
to : toOwner ,
token ,
transfers .add (transfer);
const maxHeight = maxBy (baycDataArr , data => data .block) ! .block;
const multicall = new Multicall (ctx , {height : maxHeight} , multicallAddress);
ctx . log .info ( `Calling multicall for ${ baycDataArr . length } tokens...` );
const results = await multicall .tryAggregate ( functions .tokenURI , baycDataArr .map (data => [contractAddress , [ BigNumber .from ( data .tokenId)]] as [ string , BigNumber []]) , 100 );
const tokensWithNoImage : string [] = [];
results .forEach ((res , i) => {
let t = tokens .get (baycDataArr[i]. tokenId .toString ());
if (t) {
let uri = '' ;
if ( res .success) {
uri = < string >res.value;
} else if (res.returnData) {
uri = < string >functions.tokenURI.tryDecodeResult(res.returnData) || '';
t.uri = uri;
if (!tokenIdToImageUrl.has( tokensWithNoImage.push(;
await Promise.all( async (id) => {
const t = tokens .get (id);
if (t && t .uri) {
try {
const res = await api .get ( t .uri);
tokenIdToImageUrl .set (id , res . data .image);
t .imageUrl = res . data .image;
catch (error) {
console .log (error);
The terminal will begin to generate consistent output. It should resemble the following:
In this output, you can see your IPFS dedicated gateway being used as the base URL.