Netapp ONTAP Select

Learn how to connect Netapp ONTAP Select to Filebase.

What is Netapp ONTAP Select?

Netapp ONTAP Select is a software defined storage solution deployed as a virtual machine. ONTAP Select is the software-only version of Netapp ONTAP NAS devices.

ONTAP Select is certified for use with Filebase. Follow the steps below to configure ONTAP Select to be used with Filebase.


1. Login to the ONTAP Select System Manager web interface.

2. Navigate to Storage > Overview, then select ‘Manage Tiers’ under Cloud Tiering.

3. Select ‘Add Cloud Tier’ then choose ‘Others’ from the drop down menu.

4. Configure Filebase as a cloud tier with the following information:

Name: Filebase

Server Name (FQDN):

SSL: Check this box

Port: 443

Access Key ID: Filebase Access Key

Secret Key: Filebase Secret Key

Container Name: Filebase bucket name

5. Next, enter the network information for the configured cloud tier node.

This will be dependent on your ONTAP node configuration.

6. Select Save to save your configuration.

You should see the Cloud Tier successfully added and listed under the ‘Tiers’ menu option.

Last updated