
Learn how to use BackupSheep with Filebase.

What is BackupSheep?

BackupSheep is a no-code backup automation tool for cloud servers, databases and file servers.

Read below to learn more about how to use BackupSheep with Filebase.


1. Log into the BackupSheep Dashboard.

2. Select ‘Integration’ in the top right corner of the dashboard.

3. Scroll down to ‘Storage Platforms’ and select Filebase.

You can also use the direct link

4. Click on the Setup Filebase Integration box and fill out the following information to configure your Filebase account for integration with BackupSheep:

  • Name: Name for your configuration

  • Bucket Name: Your Filebase Bucket Name

  • Folder Name: Folder to backup to within your Filebase bucket

  • Access Key: Your Filebase Access Key

  • Secret Key: Your Filebase Secret Key

  • Region: Leave as default(Decentralized) - More Filebase Regions Coming Soon

  • Notes: Optional; Notes about the configuration

5. Select ‘Add Integration’ to save the configuration.

6. BackupSheep is now configured to use Filebase with database and file backups.

Last updated