Ocean Protocol: Publish Data NFTs Stored on IPFS using Ocean Protocol

Learn how to publish data NFTs stored on IPFS using Ocean Protocol.

What is Ocean Protocol?

Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol that enables individuals and organizations to share, sell, and access data in a secure and transparent manner. The protocol is built on top of blockchain technology and allows data providers to maintain ownership and control over their data while still being able to monetize it.

Read below to learn how to publish data NFTs stored on IPFS using Ocean Protocol.


1. Start by navigating to the Ocean Protocol marketplace and selecting ‘Publish’ in the top left.

2. Select ‘Dataset’ for the Asset Type.

3. Next, we’ll need a dataset to upload to IPFS.

For this example, we’ll be using a free dataset about historic tomato prices, but you can use any personal or public dataset you’d like.

Then, navigate to the Filebase web console dashboard and view the buckets screen. Select an IPFS bucket, or create a new one.

4. Then, select ‘Upload > File’ and select your dataset file.

5. Once uploaded, take note of the IPFS CID.

6. Back on the Ocean Marketplace screen, provide a title, description, and the author of the dataset.

If you are using a public dataset, make sure to credit the original author of the dataset file. You can also provide tags for the dataset. Then agree to the terms and conditions, then select ‘Continue’.

7. Next, confirm that the Datatoken type is the CONCUT-99 token, and that the Asset Type is ‘Download’.

8. Then, under ‘File’ select IPFS and paste in your dataset’s CID from Filebase. Then select ‘Validate’ to confirm that the dataset is retrievable.

9. Next, select the amount of Timeout for the dataset.

This value determines how often a user can download the dataset from the Ocean Protocol marketplace.

10. In the next screen you’ll be prompted to set the price for the dataset.

If you’re using a free open-source dataset, select ‘Free’. If you’re using a personal dataset, set the price accordingly.

11. Lastly, preview the data NFT and confirm everything looks correct. Then select ‘Continue’.

12. Then select ‘Connect Wallet’ where you’ll be prompted to sign a transaction to connect your crypto wallet to the Ocean Protocol marketplace.

13. Finally, select ‘Submit’ to publish the data NFT to the Ocean Protocol Marketplace.

Last updated