IPFS Pin Sync

Learn how to use the IPFS Pin Sync tool to synchronize CIDs from another pinning service to Filebase.

What is IPFS Pin Sync?

IPFS Pin Sync is a client-side tool that allows users to sync CIDs from one IPFS pinning service to another. IPFS Pin Sync is available for use as an HTTP webpage, or through publication on IPFS, allowing it to be run from any IPFS node.

By default, IPFS Pin Sync is configured to sync CIDs from Pinata to Filebase.

Read below to learn how to use the IPFS Pin Sync tool to synchronize CIDs from another pinning service to Filebase.


1. Navigate to the IPFS Pin Sync webpage, or download the package from GitHub if you wish to run it on an IPFS node.

2. First, retrieve your Pinata API token. Navigate to the Pinata dashboard.

For the source provider in this example, we use Pinata. The source provider can be any IPFS pinning service that provides an API.

3. Select your user profile icon in the top right corner, then select ‘API Keys’:

4. Select ‘New Key’:

5. Create a new API key with admin privileges, then select ‘Create Key’:

6. Copy down the API Key information presented - it will only be shown once.

7. Head back to the IPFS Pin Sync tool and paste the JWT Secret Access Token into the Token field for the ‘Source Provider’, then select ‘Login to Source’.

8. All IPFS pinned CIDs from Pinata will now be listed.

9. Next, we need to generate a token for the Filebase IPFS Pinning API.

10. Navigate to the Filebase Access Keys page, then view the IPFS PInning Service API Endpoint.

Click the drop-down menu for 'Choose Bucket to Generate Token', then choose the IPFS Filebase Bucket you want to use.

11. Then copy the generated Secret Access Token:

12. Input this token in the ‘Token’ field for the ‘Destination Provider’, then select ‘Login to Destination’.

13. All pinned IPFS CIDs in your Filebase bucket will be listed:

14. Then select ‘Sync’ to sync the IPFS CIDs from the Source (Pinata) to the Destination (Filebase).

15. The progress and pin count will display the status of your synchronization.

Once complete, the CIDs from the Source will be listed along with the CIDs from the Destination.

16. In the Filebase web dashboard, these new pins will be listed in your bucket with the status ‘Pinning’.

Once this status has changed to ‘Pinned’, the synchronization has completed, and the pinned CIDs can be removed from the source provider.

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